The papers presented at the congress, both poster and oral communications, must be from the field of Occupational Therapy. Works can be sent from:
- Original research papers.
- Review work.
- Intervention programs.
- Clinical cases.
- Description of clinical services.
- Research protocols.
- Informative guide.
- Development of a support product.
- Development of a catalog on support products.
- Dissemination of occupational therapy in audiovisual format.
- Basic research work
- Work to adapt an environment/event/activity.
- “Other” type work (any related work that does not fit into the profiles above).
Below, we indicate the instructions to submit the submission of the abstract of the works.
The maximum length of the abstract is 300 words. Abstracts may be written in Spanish, French or English and will be submitted online. The maximum number of authors per communication will be 8 authors. In addition, the name of the professional tutor of the work must be indicated.
All abstracts must contain at least the following information (common structure):
- Title: concise and clarifying the object and even the main conclusions of the communication of approximately X words.
- Name and surname of all authors. One of them will be the representative with whom we will contact.
- It must be indicated to which university the authors belong.
- Selected thematic area in which the work is framed.
- Text of the work (structure according to the type of work).
- Conflicts of interest: authors must indicate any financial (or other) relationship with any organization, institution or company that could give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted work. If the authors consider that there are none, they must indicate this by means of the phrase <<The authors of this communication declare that they have no conflict of interest>>.
- Communications that are the product of the breakdown of a single job are not acceptable, nor are those that do not comply with internationally accepted ethical standards.
In the case of being an original research paper, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: purpose and relevance of the study, as well as the objective of the study.
- Methods: brief, clear and complete description of the materials and methods, including the selection criteria, the use of validated measurement instruments and a summary of the statistical analyzes carried out.
- Results: the main results of the study must be specified, which must respond to the objectives of the study.
- Conclusions: they must be the answers to the hypotheses of the study.
In the case of being a revision work, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: purpose, relevance and background of the review.
- Methods: brief, clear, and complete description of the databases consulted to obtain studies, as well as the criteria for including studies for review (type of study included in the review, minimum sample size, or minimum duration). of the intervention).
- Results: the total number of articles retrieved by the search should be specified, as well as the articles used to perform the review (articles that meet all the inclusion criteria). The main results of the review should be specified.
- Review conclusions.
In the case of being an intervention program, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: relevance and background of the project / program.
- Objectives and target population: indicate the purpose of carrying out the program, as well as define and characterize who (s) it is addressed to.
- Theories and previous research: briefly and clearly define the main theories and research that scientifically support the program.
- Investigation(s): brief, clear and complete explanation of the essence of the main intervention(s).
- Program evaluation (evaluation of results, processes, economics).
- Results: the main results of the intervention must be specified.
- Conclusions.
In the case of being a clinical case, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: current information on what is known about the topic in brief, arguments that support the clinical justification of the case and its implications for health.
- Methods: presentation of the clinical case; initial evaluation; detection of problems and needs; setting goals and priorities; models, approaches, strategies and techniques selected for the case; and intervention carried out.
- Results: most significant findings of the intervention and results of the final evaluation (after the intervention).
- Discussion: it should highlight the most interesting aspects of the case and integrate what was communicated in other articles reviewed together with what was observed in the case. Comment on whether the case has generated new knowledge and what its practical utility may be.
- Conclusions of the case.
In the case of being a description of clinical services, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Description of the center: location; benefits and services offered; professionals responsible for each service; referral of users; and assistance regime.
- Description of the occupational therapy service: role of the occupational therapist within the service; service objectives; conceptual models, strategies, approaches and techniques on which the intervention is based; programs that are developed; time distribution; space and material resources; and service quality evaluation system.
- Profile of the patients of the occupational therapy service: main characteristics of the population that is attended (pathology, deficits, etc.); age; socioeconomic-cultural profile; and average stay.
In the case of being a research protocol, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: relevance of the study and identification of knowledge gaps and that the current evidence will add to this project.
- Hypothesis: derived from the evidence prior to a statement about what is expected to be found after carrying out the project.
- Objectives: purpose of the research project; remember that they must begin with an infinitive verb.
- Methods: brief, clear and complete description of the study population, the sample, sample size, subjects, variables and theoretical statistical analysis.
- Limitations and strengths.
- Implications for clinical practice of achieving the project objectives.
In the case of being an informative guide, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: presentation of the health problem and the current state of knowledge; justification of the realization of the informative guide.
- Objective: purpose of the informative guide; remember that they must begin with an infinitive verb.
- Development of the guide: population to which the guide is directed, tools or sources of information consulted, and structure and format of the guide.
- Dissemination or dissemination strategy: communication strategy that is intended to be carried out to disseminate or disseminate the guide.
In the case of being the development of a support product, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: description of the pathology or area of occupational therapy to be addressed with the product, summary of existing products on the market and justification of the need for that product.
- Product development: product name, product objective, main population to which the product is directed, product description (characteristics or specifications of its use; functional requirements of the user; materials, costs, production time…).
- Product: photograph or sketch of the prototype of the product in various angles, information sheet of the product (description, function, indications and observations).
- Strengths and limitations of the product.
- Product implementation (optional).
In the case of the development of a catalog on support products, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: description of the health problem or area of occupational therapy that it addresses, summary of the catalogs or compilation of existing products, and justification of the need to prepare the catalogue.
- Development of the catalogue: name of the catalogue, objective of the catalogue, population to which the catalog is directed, type or medium of the catalog and structure of the catalog (items and categories).
- Result: the catalog.
- Dissemination or dissemination strategy: communication strategy that is intended to be carried out to disseminate or disseminate the catalogue.
In the case of being a job to disseminate occupational therapy in audiovisual format, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: description of the aspect of the field of occupational therapy that is to be disseminated or disseminated, a brief summary of the dissemination material that already exists for the same purpose (if any) and justification of the need for this diffusion/disclosure.
- Development of the dissemination material: name/title of the audiovisual material, objective of the material, population to which it is directed, type or support of the material and structure/parts of it
- Result: the audiovisual material for diffusion/disclosure.
- Strategy for dissemination or disclosure of the audiovisual material created.
In the case of a basic research paper, in addition to the common structure, it should contain the following information:
- Introduction: presentation of the problem, current status, present knowledge and justification.
- Objective and hypothesis: purpose of the study and expected results. The objective can be divisible (general and specific objectives).
- Material and methods: strategy used to fulfill the objective and obtain the results. It should be written in a precise and objective manner, and may include the use of figures and diagrams to facilitate its reading. The content of this section consists of: type of study, place and duration of the research, characteristics of the study subjects, sample size (if applicable), legal aspects, selection criteria, type of techniques, instruments, material and equipment used, study variables (if applicable) and statistical analysis (if applicable) and statistical analysis (if applicable).
- Results: concise and clear description of the observations obtained with the methodology used through objective writing.
- Discussion: relationship between the results obtained and the objectives set. It should include main results, strengths and weaknesses, relationship of the present study with previous studies comparing similar and distant results and possible future lines of research that open after the study carried out.
- Conclusion: it must respond to the study hypotheses. Your writing should be concise.
In the case of being an adaptation of an environment/event/activity, in addition to the common structure, it must contain the following information:
- Introduction: description of the environment/event/activity in its initial form, arguments that justify the need for adaptation and the implications of these adaptations in improving participation.
- Methods: presentation of the evaluation carried out and the problems/needs detected; establishing objectives and priorities; selected models, approaches, strategies and techniques; beneficiary population (directly and indirectly).
- Results: adaptations proposed/made
- Strengths and limitations of adaptations. It is positive to include an assessment of the satisfaction of the beneficiaries.
In the case of a job of the “other” type (any job related to the discipline of occupational therapy that does not fit into the previous profiles), which does not fit into the rest of the profiles but is related to the discipline of occupational therapy, must contain the following information:
- Introduction: background, current status of the topic, justification of the work and objectives.
- Method: description of how it was carried out and other implications.
- Results: results and/or products obtained.
- Discussion and/or conclusions: highlight the most interesting, the implication and relevance for occupational therapy, the limitations and strengths and the conclusions, if any.
The main subject areas for which papers can be submitted are listed below. In the event that your work does not fit into the thematic areas, you must indicate others.
- Neurorehabilitation: acquired brain damage, spinal cord injury, neurodegenerative diseases (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, etc.), peripheral nerve injuries, etc.
- Intellectual Disability: Conceptual Abilities and Cognitive Functioning. Augmentative and alternative communication systems. Cognitive accessibility. New technologies applied to Intellectual Disability, personal, domestic and community autonomy. Self-determination, self-management and empowerment. Leisure and participation in the community. Employment. Sexuality. Life cycle; adolescence, adulthood and the elderly.
- Physical rehabilitation: traumatic and orthopedic pathologies, rheumatic pathologies, pain, etc.
- Sensory deficits: hearing impairment, visual impairment, deafblindness, etc.
- Mental health: mood disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, dual pathology.
- Oncology and Palliative Care
- Geriatrics: dementia and cognitive impairment, geriatric syndromes, Occupational Therapy at the end of life and frail elderly, elder abuse, Occupational Therapy in healthy older adults.
- Pediatrics: premature children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, sensory integration, infant cerebral palsy, etc.
- Community integration: immigration and ethnic groups, prison population, homeless people, gender violence, in international cooperation, primary care, education, etc.
- Others: ergonomics, support products, deontology, quality of care, etc.
To present communications to the congress, an online summary will be sent through the forms shown below (LINK TO TE FORMS) according to the type of work. The number of works sent by the same author as first author should not exceed 3 abstracts. The deadline for sending oral and poster communication will close on 28/04/2025.
Once the abstract has been sent, the main author will receive an e-mail within three days in which they can check the text and data sent. It is the responsibility of the author to contact the organization in case of not receiving said e-mail or if there is an error in the data sent, sending an email to with the subject “Error in poster/communication data”.
All papers will be reviewed by external reviewers. Those with sufficient quality will be admitted. Of these, the ones that obtain the best score will be presented in oral communication and the other works will be presented in poster type mode. The Scientific Committee will inform the interested parties if the work has been accepted and in what modality before 05/05/2025.
Once the acceptance of the oral communication/poster has been notified, the presenting author of the paper must register for the congress before 01/05/2023. In the event that he or the presenter cannot register for the congress, he or she must propose to another co-author who must register for the congress to be able to present the work before 01/05/2025, informing the organization of this in the email with subject “Change of presenter”.
The authors of the works that are registered in the congress will receive a certificate of the work presented that will be delivered in person at the congress. In the event that there is an error in it, you must contact the organization at the email with the subject “Certified error”.
All papers will be reviewed blindly by two external reviewers who will score on a scale of 0 to 10 points based on the criteria set out below according to the type of paper.
The criteria for research papers and reviews:
Achievable and clearly formulated objectives (0-1)
Design and methodology appropriate to the objectives and well described (0-2)
Clear presentation of results (0-2)
Conclusions (0-1)
Theme relevance*: 0-2
Innovation**: 0-2
Criteria for description of clinical services:
Clear description of the center (0-2)
Description of the adequate and complete occupational therapy service (0-3)
Clear patient profile (0-2)
Relevance of the service*: 0-1
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for protocols:
Knowledge gaps and what this study contributes to the current evidence (0-2)
Objectives and well-formed hypotheses (0-2)
Methodology: includes description of the study population, sample, validated instruments and statistical analysis (0-2)
Theme relevance*: 0-2
Innovation**: 0-2
Criteria for informative guidance:
Clear justification and objectives of the guide (0-2)
Adequate and complete guide description (0-3)
Dissemination strategy/clear disclosure (0-2)
Relevance of the guide*: 0-1
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for developing a support product:
Clear justification of the need for the product (0-2)
Adequate and complete product description (0-3)
Clear description of strengths and limitations (0-2)
Product Relevance*: 0-1
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for developing a catalog on support products:
Clear justification and objectives of the catalog (0-2)
Adequate and complete catalog description (0-3)
Dissemination strategy/clear disclosure (0-2)
Relevance of the guide*: 0-1
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for dissemination of occupational therapy in audiovisual format:
Justification of the need for dissemination/disclosure (0-2)
Description of the audiovisual material for the dissemination of adequate and complete occupational therapy (0-3)
Clear dissemination or dissemination strategy of audiovisual material (0-2)
Relevance of the service*: 0-1
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for basic research work:
- Justification of the need for the study (0-1)
- Well stated objectives and hypotheses (0-2)
- Description of the material and methodology (0-2)
- Clear presentation of results and discussion (0-1)
- Conclusions (0-1)
- Relevance of the service*: 0-1
- Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for adaptation work for an environment/event/activity:
Introduction and justification of adaptation (0-1)
Full description of methods (0-2)
Clear and orderly presentation of results (0-2)
Explanation of strengths and limitations of adaptations (0-1)
Job relevance*: 0-2
Innovation**: 0-2
The criteria for “other” jobs related to Occupational Therapy that do not fit other profiles
Introduction and justification (0-1)
Full description of methods (0-2)
Clear and orderly presentation of results (0-2)
Discussion and/or coherent conclusions (0-1)
Job relevance*: 0-2
Innovation**: 0-2
The posters will be printed by the assistant to be exposed during all the days of the congress. The posters will be exhibited in a place set up for this purpose at the congress venue that can be identified with a number that will be assigned days prior to it. Although the posters will be exhibited throughout the congress, you will be notified by email of the session in which they will be presented if selected, and this will be projected on a screen for your oral defense.
Recommendations: Use a size between 60 and 100 for titles and a size between 30 and 50 for text. For graphics headings, the size should be a minimum of 14.
Slide background: light colors. Make sure the inserted graphics/images are of good quality.
At the beginning of the congress: your printed poster will be hung in the place provided for it.
Development of the poster presentation session: at least one of the authors registered in the congress must participate in the session and make a brief presentation of 4 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of discussion. The session moderator will supervise the presence of the authors and strict compliance with the presentation time.
After the session: the poster presentation certificate will be delivered as long as the poster is presented, in the case of not being presented it will not be delivered.
The abstracts of the communications whose presenter has made the registration before May 1, 2023, will be published in the book of minutes of the congress.
This year CIETO wants to implement audio descriptions in the poster, posters and leaflets exhibitions. That is why we are asking for help from people who want to contribute to this proposal.
If you want your poster to participate in this initiative it will be necessary to meet the above mentioned poster criteria and leave a space of 2cmx2cm in the lower left corner of the poster for the inclusion of an audio QR.
Additionally, you will also be able to participate in the recording of the audio description of your own poster if you wish to do so and, in this way, help us to ensure that all posters arrive on time with all the necessary information and accessible to all.
These contributions will be taken into account (although not decisive) in the final evaluation of the poster, both the inclusion of the space for QR and the participation in the recordings.
Contact to participate indicating if you only want to include QR in the poster or if you also want to record the audio description. If you have any questions, please contact the same email address.
Before the start of the session: you must go to the CIETO Documentation Collection point at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. The place and time will be confirmed in the final program and will be communicated to you by email.
Development of the session: the projection of your communication will take place on a screen that will be located behind you, so if you need audiovisual support during your presentation (printed, tablet or computer) you must bring it yourself. The time allotted to present the oral communications is a maximum of 8 minutes of presentation + 2 minutes of questions. This limit must be scrupulously respected by the moderators who will supervise strict compliance with this rule. Therefore, the interventions (questions and answers) at this time must also be very concise and specific.
After the session: the poster presentation certificate will be delivered as long as the poster is presented. In the case of not being presented, it will not be delivered.
The abstracts of the communications whose presenter has made the registration before May 1, 2024, will be published in the book of minutes of the congress.
We inform you that any kind of advertising is not allowed during your presentation. In particular:
- Brands.
- Companies in the sector.
- Apps, websites or work methods where the speaker has financial interests.
In the event that the project exists, it has been financed by any public or private institution, it must be indicated on a slide, also indicating the role of the financier in the development of the project.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at or by phone at 656542360.